Explore the world with us...

Couple on World tour - click on the country to read more about it...

We kept track of all our costs on our trip, find the results here:

Our plan

Camel safari in Morocco

The story how we came up with our trip around the world....

Buy a RTW ticket

Laura at Franfurt airport with Lufthansa aircraft

The endless knowledge I gained when researching RTW tickets...

A girl's backpack

Flatlay of blue clothes and accessoiries

Packing tips learned from experience on various travels...

Who we are

We are two recent engineering graduates from Munich, Germany exploring the southern hemisphere!  Read more about us here


Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Chile, Argentina and Brazil.... that is the plan! But who knows if it will stay like that ;) We will share with you what we do and where we go here on our site :)